« Young gambist Noémie Lenhof has done an excellent job in unpublished and best-known pieces, very well accompanied by a luxury continuo. »

« You think you’ve heard all of Marin Marais’s gamba music. That was before you met Noémie Lenhof and her partners’ talent. » 

« Noémie Lenhof released her first album as a soloist (…). Her thoughtful interpretations and excellent technical skills reflect an intimate knowledge of Marin Marais’s music. »

« The score comes alive to get some color and grow in three dimensions… It’s exquisite. »

« A masterstroke, (…) simply amazing ! »

« An outstanding interpretation of Marin Marais’s unknown pieces and embellished by Noémie Lenhof. »

« Noémie Lenhof plays these unpublished pieces with an inspirational devotion and a quasi-mystical approach. »

« It’s a laudable recording by a rising star of viola da gamba. »

« (…) it’s one of the best Marais albums. By giving birth to this dedication to her art, Noémie Lenhof had won her place at the Parnassus of the viol players. »

« Noémie Lenhof delights listeners. »