
Unpublished pieces of Marin Marais, CD released on January 26, 2024!

“Young gambist Noémie Lenhof has done an excellent job in unpublished and best-known pieces, very well accompanied by a luxury continuo.”

Scherzo (Spain)

“You think you’ve heard all of Marin Marais’s gamba music. That was before you met Noémie Lenhof and her partners’ talent.” 

Res Musica (France)

“Noémie Lenhof released her first album as a soloist (…). Her thoughtful interpretations and excellent technical skills reflect an intimate knowledge of Marin Marais’s music.”

ON – mag (France)

“The score comes alive to get some color and grow in three dimensions… It’s exquisite.”

France Musique, La Matinale

“A masterstroke, (…) simply amazing !”

RCF (France)

“An outstanding interpretation of Marin Marais’s unknown pieces and embellished by Noémie Lenhof.”

Musikzen (France)

“Noémie Lenhof plays these unpublished pieces with an inspirational devotion and a quasi-mystical approach.”

Grey Panthers (Italy)

“It’s a laudable recording by a rising star of viola da gamba.”

Klassik favori (Germany)

“(…) it’s one of the best Marais albums. By giving birth to this dedication to her art, Noémie Lenhof had won her place at the Parnassus of the viol players.”

BaroquiadeS (France)

Noémie Lenhof delights listeners.”

DNA (France)

“Don’t miss it !”

Mediapart (France)


Noémie first played the piano and the cello. She fell in love with viola da gamba when she arrived in Paris in 2013. She discovered the repertoire of this instrument with Christine Plubeau before being admitted to the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse (CNSM) in Paris to study with Christophe Coin in 2017.

She won prizes at several international competitions, such as the Lyceum Club Competition in Switzerland and the H.I.F. Biber Competition in Austria, together with the harpsichordist Guillaume Haldenwang. 

Noémie is sought-after as a continuist, soloist, and chamber musician. She has appeared with a number of ensembles including Les Musiciens du Louvre (Marc Minkowski), Les Ambassadeurs – La Grande Ecurie (Alexis Kossenko), Artaserse (Philippe Jaroussky), Correspondances (Sébastien Daucé), Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien (François Lazarevitch), La Palatine. She performs in prestigious venues and festivals: Oude Muziek Utrecht Festival, York Early Music Festival, festival d’Ambronay, festival de Saintes,…

Noémie has recorded a first solo opus, dedicated to Marais’ unpublished pieces. It has been released with the label L’Encelade in January 2024 and has been called nothing less than a “masterstroke” by musical criticism.

Upcoming concerts

June 22, 2024 – 3 PM – La Librairie des Princes, Château de Versailles (Yvelines)
Concert – meeting, “Marin Marais, The Rediscovered Manuscript”

June 29, 2024 – Librairie Le Passage, Alençon (Orne)
Concert – meeting, “Marin Marais, The Rediscovered Manuscript”

July 10, 2024 – Le Petit Festival, Locquirec (Finistère)
RECITAL “Marin Marais, The Rediscovered Manuscript”

July 17, 2024 – Promenades musicales du Pays d’Auge (Calvados)
Leçons de ténèbres – Couperin, w/ Correspondances

August 2, 2024 – Eglise de Saint-Gervais-sur-Couches (Saône-et-Loire)
Consort music, w/ Mary’s Consort

August 4, 2024 – Eglise de Chapaize (Saône-et-Loire)
Consort music, w/ Mary’s Consort

August 5, 2024 – Grange de Villard (Saône-et-Loire)
Consort music, w/ Mary’s Consort


October 6, 2024 – Festival d’Ambronay (Ain)
Dans l’ombre de Lully, w/ La Palatine

October 12, 2024 – Gent (Belgium)
Private recital (Marin Marais and Sainte-Colombe)

October 13, 2024 – Festival Mars en Baroque (Bouches-du-Rhône)
Concert tribute to Nicolas Wattinne

October 19, 2024 – Festival baroque de Pontoise (Val d’Oise)
Pygmalion – Rameau, w/ Il Caravaggio

October 22 – 25, 2024 – Château de Versailles (Yvelines)
Recording, Pygmalion – Rameau, w/ Il Caravaggio

November 1, 2024 – Festival international de musique de Dinard (Ille-et-Vilaine)
Baroque night, w/ Ninon Hannecart-Ségal, Marie Nadeau-Tremblay and friends

November 3, 2024 – Musique baroque en Veveyse (Switzerland)
RECITAL “Marin Marais – The Rediscovered Manuscript”

November 14, 2024 – Palais du Luxembourg (Paris)
Dieupart concert, w/ Olivier Baumont, Julien Chauvin and Vicente Romero

December 8, 2024 – Saison culturelle des Douves d’Onzain (Loir-et-Cher)
RECITAL “Marin Marais – The Rediscovered Manuscript”




© Hubert Caldaguès

© Zoé Khan-Thibeault and Esther Assuied